Acuto / Case studies
Our top case studies

We helped combine SEO and PPC data for BrandCraft by leveraging Authoritas and Shape – allowing the entire team to make make better strategic decisions across all of their campaigns.

Keywords combined

Pain-Free Dental Marketing specializes in a single vertical but couldn’t discover which search terms performed best in ads. We unified historic search term data for all clients in BigQuery and used n-gram analysis to find identify the intent behind search terms across the entire dentistry vertical.

N-Gram Analysis for an Entire Industry
Search terms analyzed

Eco Grant UK relied on phone calls for their customer service but faced ineligible customers swarming their phone lines. Our custom chatbot vetted interested users before adding their data to a CRM which increased their eligible leads.

N-Gram Analysis for an Entire Industry
Leads generated

We worked with SocialTap to create a custom and highly granular data warehouse to store all of their Facebook Ads data, for all of their clients, under one roof – and then combining it with AutoConvert’s CRM data to attribute conversions with close to 100% accuracy.

girl working on her laptop
Leads processed monthly

Anyone who manages Amazon seller/vendor accounts knows how tedious reporting and data analysis can be. We built a custom data warehouse for all of Unicorn Orange’s needs, unlocking new levels of insight and analysis that were previously impossible. 

girl working on her laptop
Client accounts

With over 100 clients, manual budget management systems struggle to keep up with budget pacing and become time consuming to update. We worked with Klientboost to create a custom solution that combines cost data with account and campaign budgets, all in one place.

Client accounts

Sitruna is a specialist Amazon PPC agency that had all of their Amazon data in BigQuery, but was struggling to enable their team to use it. We built them a Google Sheets add-on that lets anyone query data without writing a single line of SQL.

Custom Google Sheets Extension for Sitruna
Hours saved per month

Centralising agency data in BrandCraft’s data warehouse was key to their growth. We set up a BigQuery data warehouse, used Shape’s Enterprise ADI as a data pipeline, and added additional data sources via custom-built APIs.

Removing Data Silos for BrandCraft
Channels normalized and joined

We built a data warehouse for Primal, one of the biggest digital marketing agencies in Thailand to optimize their strategy, plan out their tasks more efficiently, and find out hidden errors to increase delivery speeds.

Spend optimized